5th Period Today in 3 Parts:

I walk into class to see two students throwing a condom back and forth at each other. Said condom is not in its wrapper.

As I'm reading the journal question aloud:
MP: "Ms. Kiefer, can I step outside? I need to fart."
me: "Seriously? Fine, hurry up. It takes about 2 seconds."
GM: "I need to too."
ZT: "Me too."
me: (wtf?)

A conversation:
me: "Listen up, I have an update about our fundraising project . . . see, San Francisco Unified School District has a policy about nutrition, so we aren't going to be able to sell cupcakes to raise money. We got an email today about--"
MP: "Ms. Kiefer you go to the club?" (commences dancing in his seat)
me: "Ummm . . . so the SFUSD policy mandates that we only distribute healthy food. Obviously cupcakes don't qualify. So either we have to--"
MP: "Naw fo real you go to the club?"
me: " . . . I'd like to focus on our Children of Incarcerated Parents Bill of Rights event. We either need to have our bake sale outside of school, or we need to sell something really healthy."
GM: "How about we sell yogurt parfaits?"
me: "That's a great idea, G. And we could actually probably make a better profit from yogurt parfaits if we buy the supplies at Costco."
ZT: "Or we could could just get Larry from 33rd St. to steal them for us."

Uh, yeah. That's a fantastic idea.

But after I left the little monsters today, I got to come see two of my favorite little boys, and guess who's on my lap right now?

baby Judebug, 3 weeks old

And my mama comes tomorrow, yay!!