Cryptor, come proteggere file e cartelle con un sempilice clic

Tutti coloro che vogliono proteggere un file o un'intera cartella del proprio Mac in maniera veloce e sicura, devono assolutamente provare Cryptor, facile da usare e gratuito.
Come funziona.

Scarichiamo il software da questa pagina e installiamolo.
Apriamo ora Cryptor e trasciniamoci all'interno il file o la cartella che vogliamo proteggere.
Clicchiamo sul lucchetto, inseriamo una password, un eventuale suggerimento e diamo OK.
Da questo momento facendo doppio clic sul file .damn appena creato
ci verrà richiesta la password per poterlo aprire. Eccellente!
Entrando nelle preferenze di Cryptor possiamo inoltre scegliere il livello di cifratura e se cancellare o meno il file originale dopo essere stato criptato (Delete source after encryption/decryption).
Supporta inoltre le notifiche di Growl.

iTunes, come disabilitare il backup automatico dell'iPhone

Ogni volta che si effettua la sincronizzazione dell'iPhone, iTunes effettua un backup automatico che può essere più o meno lungo in base a quanto il nostro dispositivo è "pieno".
Ovviamente il backup è assolutamente utile, però non sempre abbiamo la pazienza di aspettare che finisca.
In nostro aiuto arriva un'applicazione creata da un volenteroso utente:
iPhone Backup Disabler.
Con questo software possiamo finalmente abilitare e disabilitare il backup dell'iPhone a nostro piacimento.

Possiamo scaricarlo partendo da questa pagina.

ToMacs, come sincronizzare in rete due o più mac

A tutti coloro che sono dei felici possessori di due o più Mac, sicuramente farebbe piacere averli sincronizzati con gli stessi preferiti di Safari, gli stessi Contatti, la stessa libreria di iTunes, di iPhoto, etc.
ToMacs si occupa proprio di questo e in modo abbastanza semplice.
Iniziamo col dire che il software costa 5€, quindi trasgredisco una mia regola, ovvero quella di segnalare solo software gratuito.
Come funziona.
Scarichiamo ToMacs da questa pagina e installiamolo.
Apriamo Preferenze di Sistema>Condivisione e spuntiamo la voce:
"Login remoto".
Lanciamo ora ToMacs e selezionando l'immagine del Computer, nella finestrella centrale, ci verranno subito elencati, nella finestrella di destra, tutti i Mac connessi alla rete.
Ora, nella colonna di sinistra, scegliamo cosa sincronizzare dall'elenco, a cui possiamo anche aggiungere altre applicazioni o addirittura intere cartelle e clicchiamo sul tasto send in basso a destra del programma, inseriamo Username e password del Mac "ricevente" e il gioco è fatto.
ToMacs inoltre si integra con Growl per le notifiche.
ToMacs lo sto usando e gli unici problemi, ma forse sbaglio qualcosa io e questo significa che DEVO trovare per forza una soluzione, li sto avendo con iTunes e iPhoto, per il resto funziona tutto bene, almeno per adesso.

Warehouse Summer trend alert!

We love it when you girls make an effort to look the part when attending our castings and we couldn’t help but notice the Summery twist on the basic model uniform while in Manchester last week. Our favourite looks spotted in the Style Studio were florals, pastels and pale denim, all bang on trend for this season and perfectly accessorised with Warehouse key pieces such as a gorgeous fringed bag...ideal for the festival season! Check out these highlights from the Manchester Style Studio and to start working on your Summer Wardrobe and to see the full image gallery go to

Elite model, EML 2009 Finalist (AND a native Mancunian!) Rachel shows us how to strike a pose, head to toe in Warehouse Summer must-haves!

Somebody get me some flats

cause it looks like I might be standing in the unemployment line come July. I've been teaching ROOTS, a class for kids who've been severely impacted by the prison system (they've been incarcerated and/or have incarcerated parents) for the past four years. I LOVE MY JOB SO MUCH. I teach two classes of ROOTS per day (plus a Study Hall), and the rest of the day have time to do things like develop an engaging curriculum, meet with students who are in trouble, intervention/a little counseling, things like that. It's tough, but it's pretty much a dream for me, as it combines everything I'm passionate about (underserved kids, the prison system, art, education, creative writing, social justice).

But as many of you know, California's in the midst of a budget crisis, and guess what gets cut first? Teachers, social programs, services for marginalized youth. WTF?! Last night I stood with some amazing allies & my die-hard boss & one rockstar student at San Francisco City Hall for five hours, pleading with the Board of Supervisors to reinstate funding for ROOTS at Balboa High School. My students are the most vulnerable, struggling kids in the school . . . and they need us! Cross your fingers that the Mayor's office musters up some empathy and solidarity and gives us the money that we need to make this happen for the kiddos! Otherwise I might be doing one of these two things:



Ugh. But to change the subject to something much more awesome, check out my piece about preteen crushes on author Nina LaCour's amazing online "journal," Chelsea I Want My Flannel Back. It's called Edward I Want My Dignity Back, and it's an homage to my 7th grade crush . . . Edward Cauthorn. :) If you like Mortified and mix tapes and references to the 90's, Chelsea I Want My Flannel back will be right up your alley. :) Here's a preview:

Nokia no mundo da bola‏

O maior torneio de futebol do mundo está chegando e, para entrar no clima, a Nokia está trazendo uma série de novidades para os fãs do esporte mais popular do planeta. No portal, os usuários poderão encontrar um canal especial de futebol, com aplicativos, papeis de parede com jogadores famosos e utilitários para seus telefones.

Um dos destaques é o hino Oh, Africa, composto especialmente para a competição na África do Sul e que também será oferecido para compra avulsa na Nokia Music Store ou gratuitamente para quem tiver a licença do serviço Comes With Music. E em parceria com a Pepsi, a Nokia está oferecendo uma série de papeis de paredes exclusivos com alguns dos principais jogadores do mundo, como o brasileiro Kaká, o argentino Messi, o francês Henry, o costa-marfinense Drogba e o inglês Lampard.

Um show de prêmios

A Nokia está lançando também a promoção Bom de Bola, que dará prêmios semanais, como camisas autografadas por jogadores e uma viagem a Barcelona para o grande vencedor. Para participar, basta acessar o site, fazer o cadastro ou usar os dados da conta Ovi e jogar.

O objetivo do jogo é driblar os adversários para ficar mais tempo com a bola. Aqueles que tiverem os melhores placares a cada semana ganharão um Nokia N97 mini e camisas de time autografadas. Na primeira semana, a camisa será a da Argentina, com o autógrafo do eterno ídolo Diego Maradona.

No final da promoção, quem tiver o maior número de pontos acumuados ganhará uma viagem para Barcelona, com direito a um acompanhante, com todas as despesas pagas, para assistir a um clássico do futebol espanhol. A promoção está valendo até o dia 30 de junho.

Resultados em tempo real

E para quem curte resultados atualizados em tempo real, a Nokia está oferecendo ainda um novo aplicativo gratuito na Ovi Loja, o Nokia Gol. Por ele, é possível acessar os resultados dos principais campeonatos do Brasil e do mundo. E a partir de 3 de maio, a tabela completa do Campeonato Brasileiro e do mundial da África do Sul também estarão disponíveis no aplicativo. Com isso, os usuários passam a ter uma opção rápida e simples para ficar por dentro de tudo o que está acontecendo no mundo da bola.

O Nokia Gol está disponível exclusivamente na Ovi Loja e no endereço, sendo compatível com mais de 100 modelos, como Nokia N97, Nokia 5130, Nokia E71, Nokia 2730 e muitos outros.

TV digital

Outra grande novidade é a chegada do tão esperado receptor de TV digital SU-33Wb, que passa a ser vendido separadamente em, sendo agora compatível com outros aparelhos e smartphones. A lista inclui: Nokia N85, Nokia E75, Nokia 5800 Comes With Music, Nokia N97, Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6, Nokia 5530, Nokia 5230 e Nokia E72.

Com isso, milhares de usuários poderão conferir, ao vivo, todos os lances de cada partida. No segundo semestre, novos produtos, como o Nokia 5235 e o Nokia 5233 também serão compatíveis. O SU-33Wb estará disponível a partir da primeira semana de junho, pelo preço estimado de R$ 199.

Ratio Gold - Gold Mines / Rapport Or - Mines d'or

gPodder 2.5 "easter egg": Diablo UI on Fremantle

As you probably already know, all gPodder versions (Linux Desktop, Maemo 4 and Maemo 5) use the same codebase, and as Python is an interpreted language, the choice of which UI to run can be made at run time (you could do this for compiled languages, too, but it's easier for interpreted ones). In current versions of gPodder, this happens by using command-line arguments. gpodder alone will start the Desktop version (which does not work on Maemo for obvious reasons - an "auto-detect" feature might be implemented in the future). On Maemo 5, you will usually want to use gpodder --fremantle, which will start the Maemo 5 UI as you know it (that's also the command that gets executed when gPodder is started from its application icon). On Maemo 4, the command is gpodder --maemo.

If you are a gPodder/Maemo old-timer, you might still remember the "good old days" of two-panel, stylus-based podcast goodness with multiple selections, the funky context menu and the thick toolbar on your N8x0. Ever wondered how that would feel on the N900? Try it out! Simply run gpodder --maemo in X Terminal and give your podcasts a little retro interaction (the database and downloads are the same in both versions and are therefore shared).

Try it out - it might come in handy if you are a stylus cowboy or have really small fingers (or a big N900 and normal-sized fingers...). Also, give the multiple-selection feature in the episode list a try. All you need is gPodder version 2.5, as it contains some compatibility fixes to make the Diablo version not be totally unusable on Fremantle.

Télécharger iBook pour iPad

Télécharger iBook pour iPad

iBook offre une façon slick pour télécharger et lire des livres sur votre IPAD. L'application est livrée avec le iBookstore, où vous pouvez télécharger les derniers best-sellers à votre guise.

Utilisation de l'
IPAD sur iBook est une expérience magnifique. Le soft est livré avec deux livres gratuits, Winnie l'Ourson et l'
IPAD Guide de démarrage. Appuyez simplement sur l'un des livres de la bibliothèque magnifique et il se chargera à la résolution plein écran. Inclinez votre iPad sur le côté et il bascule en mode double-page, tout comme la lecture d'un livre réel.

Articles dans la
iBook sont tournés en feuilletant votre doigt sur l'écran. Cela donne une sensation très naturelle et le tourner les pages d'animation est assez lisse. Dans le coin en haut à droite vous trouverez des outils pour aider votre expérience de lecture. Il y a un réglage de la luminosité, de recherche de texte et de la capacité d'ajuster la police et la taille du texte. Vous pouvez sélectionner un morceau de texte dans un livre et de le chercher dans le dictionnaire, il signet ou effectuer une recherche sur le Web. iBook est toujours porté disparu quelques fonctionnalités mais, comme la possibilité de définir la couleur de fond, et une pincée à zoom.

Le iBookstore qui vient avec
iBook est pratique pour l'achat de la dernière fiction populaire et non-fiction. Vous pouvez télécharger des exemples des livres gratuitement et de les vérifier à l'iBook avant de l'acheter. Le magasin est loin d'être parfait, et nous avons trouvé la navigation assez lourde, surtout en comparaison avec l'excellente expérience iBooks. Espérons que ce sera amélioré dans futures mises à jour, si. Il serait agréable d'avoir la possibilité de recherche par auteur, par exemple.

Compatible avec :

Apple iPad



Another weekend...another casting for the EML team who will be in Southampton's West Quay centre on Saturday for our Southern England stop on the tour. 

Aspiring models will get the chance to get catwalk ready with the help of Toni&Guy and Eylure while the Warehouse Style Studio is the perfect place to practice those model poses and get expert advice from our own Elite models - whether you decide to brave the catwalk or not! For more information about what to expect on the day visit our website and looking forward to meeting you then!

The usual team will be joined this week by EML World Final runner up Emily Smith and the gorgeous Charlotte Benson who will be on hand with their catwalk tips!

Vodaphone to launch mobiles priced below Rs.1000

Vodafone, telecom service provider is all geared up to launch ultra cheap mobile phones for Indian mobile phone customers. Vodafone have plans to venture into mobile manufacturing as the company feels that India is a huge market for mobiles. As of now, more than 50% of Indian population doesn't enjoy keeping a mobile handset especially the poor urban and rural people. Consequently, a great business potential exists in the country.

Vodafone Mobile

Keeping that as their motivation and business strategy, Vodafone is launch a mobile phone priced at just Rs. 700 mainly targeting the rural clients in the country. Other mobile goliaths like Nokia and India-based Micromax and Fly, have already lined up their ultra-low cost mobiles, however, for the first time a handset will be priced below the Rs. 1,000 mark.

The handset will be launched all across the country and will be easily available at retail outlets and mobile dealers at an affordable price for first time users. The phone will still have all basic features like voice, SMS and phonebook facility, alarm clock, calculator, 2 games and a currency converter. It will be powered by 500mAh battery with good 5 hours of talk time and around 400 hours of standby time.

The most popular mobile maker, Nokia launched a mobile priced at Rs. 1,300, and Vodafone has launched a phone for Rs. 1,200. The UK based telecom service provider will also launch the ultra low cost handsets in markets like Egypt, Turkey and Africa.


This week's editorial crush.... ‘ I LOVE YOU’ Magazine.

The very lovely Kathi Kauder (Contributing Editor) and extremely talented photographer Sabrina Theissen stopped into Elite towers this week to take a look at the board and give us the insider info on on their upcoming projects.

I LOVE YOU is a magazine dedicated to inspiration, and it must be filling the streets with thousands of excited creatives as it just sold out its 3rd issue! And with a with a manifesto that announces 'women are beautiful... life is irregular... fashion is the display of change' we can see why it's the go-to title for in-the-know style seekers.

Look out for the next issue featuring our very own Leah De Wavrin, photographed by  Marcus Gaab and styled by Sarah Cobb - sneak previews right here! We're following the blog at and we think you should too.




Digital Camera Buying Guide - Video

There are thousands of compact digital cameras available in the market, some are compact and portable, some have more advance features and some are expensive.

But when you are buying a digital camera there are few things you need to remember. Watch this video to find out how to buy the right one for you.

Promoção Nokia! Um ano de Brasil pra Você

A Nokia preparou, aos consumidores que adquirirem celulares Nokia, uma promoção que premiará os ganhadores com prêmios de R$50 mil, para curtirem o melhor do Brasil durante um ano.

A promoção já começou e vai até o final de junho. Até lá, os participantes concorrem aos seguintes prêmios: 50 mil milhas para viajar pelo Brasil, 1 ano de cadeira VIP no Brasileirão, passe livre para curtir o melhor Carnaval, 1 ano de ingressos para ver os melhores shows nacionais e 1 ano de ingressos para assistir ao melhor do cinema brasileiro.

No hotsite da promoção, você encontra duas maneiras muito simples de participar: depois de comprar seu novo aparelho Nokia, você pode enviar um SMS com o número ou fazer seu cadastro no próprio site. A partir daí, é só esperar os sorteios e torcer!


Promoção Um ano de Brasil pra Você

Hotsite da promoção:

Compre o seu:

Visite o blog oficial da Nokia:

Ratio Gold - Commodities / Rapport Or - Mat. premières

Comes With Music: um ano e 15 milhões de downloads no Brasil‏

A Nokia celebra hoje uma marca especial: o Comes With Music, serviço de download ilimitado de músicas, completa um ano no Brasil. Nesse período, os usuários brasileiros que compraram aparelhos da Nokia compatíveis com o serviço já baixaram mais de 15 milhões de músicas, na faixa.

E para marcar essa data, a Nokia está trazendo uma boa notícia: mais três meses de download grátis para os primeiros usuários que compraram o Nokia 5800 Comes With Music e ativaram a licença no ano passado. Ou seja, são 90 dias para baixar aquelas músicas que ficaram faltando na coleção. Estes sortudos vão receber em breve um e-mail com todos os detalhes da promoção. E os primeiros mil usuários que aceitarem a oferta levam a extensão da licença.

Vale lembrar que o catálogo de mais de sete milhões de músicas da Nokia Music Store também está disponível para venda avulsa, com cada música custando R$ 2,50. No próximo semestre, chegará ao Brasil uma nova versão da loja, com um novo nome: Ovi Música.
As boas notícias não param por aí. Atendendo aos pedidos dos fãs de música, a Nokia está duplicando seu portfólio de aparelhos compatíveis com o Comes With Music nesse primeiro semestre. Agora, três novos modelos passam a contar com o serviço e a licença de um ano para download gratuito: Nokia N97 mini, Nokia X6 (ambos já disponíveis para venda) e Nokia 5235 (a partir de junho).

Mais informações sobre os aparelhos podem ser obtidas em

Micromax Mobiles is now India's 3rd largest vendor

Micromax Mobiles, India is following footsteps of Nokia and Samsung mobiles and has emerged as the 3rd largest mobile phone vendor in India. Micromax has a market share of 6 percent and is a 1,600-crore mobile brand, which sells around 1 million mobiles every month. It has presence in more than 500 districts through 70,000 retail outlets. This just took them 2 years to accomplish what they accomplished.

Micromax Mobile

Micromax Technologies, was originally a hardware firm since 2000 and to meet the needs of Indian Mobile phone customers, forayed into this segment of mobile manufacturing, as MNC's did not meet out those demands. They employed Nokia and Airtel, helping implement all their products and services, by being their back-end partners.

It is a joint venture of four friends cum business partners, Rajesh Agarwal, Sumeet Arora, Rahul Sharma and Vikas Jain, founders of Micromax Infomatics, the company that owns the Micromax Mobiles.

Micromax gets its handsets manufactured from China to get it done economically. After an array of phones targeted particularly at the rural people, the company made a shift towards selling handsets that come with features appealing to urban consumers such as music phones, qwerty and internet-enabled mobile phones.

The company already has a universal remote control phone, one that can be paired to household appliances like the TV, AC, to act as a remote control for them. But the best one, is the Micromax Gameolution phone, endorsed by bollywood macho man, Akshay Kumar.

The Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM Cell Phone for Seniors

Doro is a company that offers a line of mobile phones for seniors. This company offers a good number of models that cater to the need of elderly mobile phone consumers. We have featured several Doro handset on this blog including the Doro PhoneEasy 410, Doro PhoneEasy 335, Doro HandleEasy 330 and the Doro HandlePlus 334 gsm.

Now, let's look at another Doro handset that's specially made for seniors, the PhoneEasy 338 GSM.

The senior-friendly Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM follows the same formula that made others in its family succesful. It's an easy-to-use and simple handset that one can learn to operate in no time.

This mobile phone also offers a white on black screen with large text and fonts. Another senior friendly feature are the very large rubberized buttons.

Here are the rest of the elderly centric features of this mobile phone for seniors:
  • 3 Big button speed dials A,B,C
  • High volume hands free loud-speaker
  • Unlocked for use on any network
  • rubberized soft touch finish
  • Large easy to read numbers
  • Alarm/Panic Button
  • Easy grip rubberized finish
  • 50 Name and Number Memory
That's if for this quick look n the Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM. Tune in for more mobile phones for senior citizens from Doro.

The Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM Cell Phone for Seniors

Doro is a company that offers a line of mobile phones for seniors. This company offers a good number of models that cater to the need of elderly mobile phone consumers. We have featured several Doro handset on this blog including the Doro PhoneEasy 410, Doro PhoneEasy 335, Doro HandleEasy 330 and the Doro HandlePlus 334 gsm.

Now, let's look at another Doro handset that's specially made for seniors, the PhoneEasy 338 GSM.

The senior-friendly Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM follows the same formula that made others in its family succesful. It's an easy-to-use and simple handset that one can learn to operate in no time.

This mobile phone also offers a white on black screen with large text and fonts. Another senior friendly feature are the very large rubberized buttons.

Here are the rest of the elderly centric features of this mobile phone for seniors:
  • 3 Big button speed dials A,B,C
  • High volume hands free loud-speaker
  • Unlocked for use on any network
  • rubberized soft touch finish
  • Large easy to read numbers
  • Alarm/Panic Button
  • Easy grip rubberized finish
  • 50 Name and Number Memory
That's if for this quick look n the Doro PhoneEasy 338 GSM. Tune in for more mobile phones for senior citizens from Doro.

Born Free

beagle puppy

baby Suri

dirty martini

These are just a few of the things I have to remind myself of in order not to jump off the Golden Gate Bridge after watching M.I.A's new video Born Free. We need to discuss this . . . have y'all seen it? I'm dying to know what other people think, as I've been obsessing over it since I watched it ( . . . okay, repeatedly) last night.

Typically, I'm a champion of anyone who is willing to talk frankly about the rampant racism and racial profiling in our country and/or confront genocide directly. Or anyone who addresses these things in his or her art. I think it takes a lot of bravery to talk about these toughest issues; issues that many people don't really like to think about. It's much less stressful to think about beagle puppies & the cutest baby ever & martinis, for sure.

M.I.A and director Romain Gavras hold nothing back in their new video. They create a dusty, violent world in which American soldiers wage a war on redheads--a seemingly arbitrary group of people based on a superficial characteristic--and transport them to a concentration-camp like desert, where several of them, including the 9 minute video's "main character," are viciously killed. Don't watch it if you don't want to be disturbed by these images . . . I kind of wanted to bleach my brain when the video ended. And then I watched it again. That's the kind of controversy this video summoned within me.

On one hand, this music video/short film seems over the top, excessively vulgar, and displays all of the wretched violence that so many of us complain exists within modern movies and video games. Upon first watching it, I thought "WTF?! This crosses every line I can think of! I'm preemptively mad at M.I.A for the nightmares I am sure to have tonight!" But then I slept on it, and I woke up this morning thinking, "How is it vulgar to showcase the kinds of violence that currently exist in our world, especially in our country, which has a history of things like the Native American slaughter, slave brutality, and the Japanese American Internment?" I mean seriously, it was only in 1942 that then President Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, ordering that all Japanese Americans be taken to internment camps.

So if you've seen the video, please vote! It might help settle me down a bit to hear what other people think:

a. M.I.A is a f'ing warrior! She's amazing for bringing these issues to light. So what if it makes people uncomfortable; we need to fight against racism and genocide!

b. This video is totally grotesque and disturbing and she's deranged for having made it.

c. I can't/don't want to watch it.

d. I'm torn! She's a deranged warrior. ;)

Tell me what you think tell me what you think tell me what you think!!! And then go back and look at the pics of the puppy and baby Suri. :)

Safari, chiusura alternativa dei pannelli

Chi usa Safari per la navigazione web, sicuramente fa largo uso della comoda navigazione per pannelli.
Ovviamente, a furia di aprire finestre in nuovi pannelli, alla fine ci si ritrova con il browser intasato e magari alla fine, la pagina che ci interessa è solo una.

Senza andare a chiudere i pannelli uno per volta, giusto per avere meno confusione e alleggerire il carico del Mac, basta tenere premuto il tasto e fare clic sulla x di chiusura del pannello che vogliamo tenere aperto.
Tutti i pannelli verranno chiusi tranne quello evidenziato.

Nokia N8 rompe barreiras e traz entrada HDMI, telas iniciais múltiplas, multitouch e câmera de 12 megapixels com flash Xenon

São Paulo, 27 de abril de 2010 – A Nokia, líder mundial em mobilidade, anuncia a chegada de um novo smartphone que irá romper diversas barreiras de inovação de tecnologia e conectividade. Trata-se do Nokia N8, um produto completo com tela sensível ao toque multitouch e capacitiva, que responde rapidamente ao calor do corpo, uma câmera de 12 megapixels e diversas funções avançadas dignas de um dos mais poderosos aparelhos da atualidade. O Nokia N8 estará disponível nos principais mercados no segundo semestre.

Com câmera de 12 megapixels, lente Carl Zeiss e flash Xenon, a qualidade das imagens produzidas pelo Nokia N8 são compatíveis ou até superiores em relação às câmeras digitais dedicadas. As gravações em vídeo do Nokia N8 podem ser feitas em alta resolução, com edição no próprio aparelho de forma intuitiva e fácil. Quando conectados a um Home Theater, o Nokia N8 torna-se uma fonte de entretenimento, com vídeos que possuem Dolby Digital Plus surround. Outra atração do produto é um serviço de TV na Web, que oferece notícias e entretenimento de canais como Paramount e National Geographic. Conteúdos locais também poderão ser baixados pela Ovi Loja.

Se na categoria imagem o Nokia N8 surpreende, ele não fica atrás quando se trata de redes sociais. Com ele, fica fácil atualizar status e compartilhar localizações e fotos, diretamente pela tela inicial, em sites como o Facebook e Twitter. Calendários públicos em redes sociais também podem ser sincronizados com o calendário do aparelho, unificando eventos.

O Nokia N8 vem com GPS e Ovi Mapas, que garante navegação gratuita para motoristas e pedestres em mapas de mais de 70 países, com orientação por voz.

Rodando com Symbian^3

Por trás da renovada interface de menu e comandos do Nokia Nk8 está o aguardado Symbian^3, a mais recente versão do OS mais usado no mundo. Entre as principais novidades, está o multitouch e capacidade para controle por gestos, como pinçar a tela para aproximar ou afastar a imagem.

O Nokia N8 traz múltiplas telas iniciais, que podem ser trocadas a qualquer momento e customizadas com os mais diversos widgets, aplicativos ou atalhos. Os novos gráficos em 2D e 3D aproveitam o máximo do acelerador e hardware do smartphone, para entregar uma interface mais rápida e com uma resposta bastante intuitiva. Com um excelente gerenciador de memória, o Symbian^3 eleva o patamar de multitarefas, permitindo que ainda mais aplicativos possam rodar simultaneamente, criando uma experiência totalmente nova, muito próxima de um computador.

Qt: ferramenta mais simples para desenvolvedores

O Nokia N8 é o primeiro modelo da Nokia a vir integrado com o Qt, um ambiente para desenvolvimento de software que simplifica o trabalho do desenvolvedor e faz com que seja possível criar aplicações para Symbian e outras plataformas de maneira mais fácil. A Nokia também criou uma consistente ferramenta para usar o Nokia Qt SDK, disponível em versão beta, para permitir aos desenvolvedores usar o potencial do Qt.



Nokia N8 has been officially announced. And it seems that the leaked spec sheet was legit. Still, now that we have official announcement, the final specs, official pics and release videos for Nokia N8 are here.

Even a day hasn’t passed since the scathing first impressions on Nokia N8 flagship, and the details about new handset just keep poring out.

At this rate, Nokia may soon have no chance but go with the official announcement, even if the actual shipping date of Nokia N8 will be delayed until September.

The thing I’m talking about right now is, what seems to be an internal Nokia N8 spec sheet, that has somehow ended up on on one of the russian file download sites.

Nokia N8 today officially emerges into the daylight, stepping out of the shadows equipped with a host of smartphone talents. The first device to be powered by the brand new Symbian^3 platform, the Nokia N8 will launch with a new breed of camera that promises to capture photos and video to rival dedicated point and shoot cameras. Read on to explore Nokia N8’s full list of talents.

The biggest feature on the Nokia N8 is its 12-megapixel camera with Carl Zeiss optics and Xenon flash. It features a substantially larger sensor than any ever used in any other Nokia device – even bigger than many found in dedicated cameras. Recently, we caught up with Nokia’s resident camera guru, Damian Dinning, to get the full lowdown on what went into fine-tuning the N8’s camera and video capture skills – you’ll be able to read the full fact-packed story right here on Conversations this week, so stay tuned.

The Nokia N8 also introduces the ability to record high definition videos and edit them with a smart built-in editing suite on the device. Playback quality is just as important, and the 3.5-inch HD capacitive touchscreen is the ideal window for assessing your flicks and footage. There’s also a HDMI connector allowing you to hook the smartphone to your HD TV and share your media with friends and family in superb quality. We wanted to find out more about the benefits of HDMI in the Nokia N8 so we spoke to Paul Wheeler, a software program manager at Nokia, to get the full story – again, be sure to keep an eye out for our full story this later this week.

2G Network GSM 850 / 900 / 1800 / 1900
HSDPA 850 / 900 / 1700 / 2100 /1900
Announced 2010, April
Status Coming soon. Exp. release 2010, 3Q

Dimensions 113.5 x 59.1 x 12.9 mm, 86 cc
Weight 135 g

Type AMOLED capacitive touchscreen, 16M colors
Size 360 x 640 pixels, 3.5 inches
- Multi-touch input method
- Proximity sensor for auto turn-off
- Accelerometer sensor for UI auto-rotate
- Scratch-resistant surface
Sound Alert types Vibration; MP3, WAV ringtones
Speakerphone Yes, with stereo speakers
- 3.5 mm audio jack
- Dolby Mobile sound enhancement
- HDMI port

Phonebook Practically unlimited entries and fields, Photocall
Call records Detailed, max 30 days
Internal 16 GB storage, 256MB RAM, 512 MB ROM
Card slot microSD, up to 32GB

GPRS Class 32
EDGE Class 32
3G HSDPA, 7.2 Mbps; HSUPA, 5.76 Mbps
WLAN Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, UPnP technology
Bluetooth Yes, v3.0 with A2DP
Infrared port No
USB Yes, v2.0 microUSB

Primary 12 MP, 4000x3000 pixels, Carl Zeiss optics, autofocus, Xenon flash
Features Geo-tagging, face and smile detection
Video Yes, 720p@30fps, LED video light
Secondary VGA videocall camera

OS Symbian ^3 OS
CPU 680 MHz processor
Messaging SMS, MMS, Email, Push Email, IM
Browser WAP 2.0/xHTML, HTML, RSS feeds
Radio Stereo FM radio with RDS; FM transmitter
Games Yes + downloadable
Colors Dark Grey, Silver White, Green, Blue, Orange
GPS Yes, with A-GPS support; Nokia Maps
Java Yes, MIDP 2.1
- Anodized aluminum casing
- Digital compass
- MP3/WMA/WAV/eAAC+ player
- MP4/H.264/H.263/WMV player
- Voice command/dial
- Document viewer (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF)
- Video/photo editor
- TV-out
- Flash Lite support
- T9

Standard battery, Li-Po 1200 mAh (BL-4D)
Stand-by Up to 390 h (2G) / Up to 400 h (3G)
Talk time Up to 12 h 30 min (2G) / Up to 5 h 30 min (3G)
Music play Up to 50 h

Pre-paid Cell Phones for Seniors

Pay-as-you go phones or pre-paid handsets appear to be suited for the needs of senior users. These handsets are meant for occasional users and as cheap alternatives for contract mobile phones.

Pay-as-you go phones or pre-paid handsets may not be advanced as the latest phones that one can purchase on contract, they can be ideal for the situation of elderly consumers. These cheap mobile phones for senior citizens are often easy to use and offer reliable service at a very economical price.

Most seniors do use mobile phones regularly so a contract deal with a monthly charge will not fit their lifestyle or fixed income budget. Pre-paid handset provide flexibility and low rates for seniors.

Nicholas P. Sullivan, a researcher, stated that,
Clearly, the often high cost of post-paid (also known as contract) cell phones is a
major stumbling block for older Americans and the parents of older
children. That means prepaid cell phones are going to be the most logical
way for millions of older Americans to live safer.”

Most of the phones I featured in this blog are pre-paid phones. The Jitterbug J is a good example of a prepaid handset that is ideal for seniors. They are bought at a low full price and service depends on the consumer.

There are plenty of pre-paid carriers that offer cheap solutions for the elderly like, Jitterbug, Net10, Tracfone, Cricket, Consumer Cellular, and others...

A typical prepaid-deal includes the full price, an activation cost and service can be for a fixed price and minutes or via prepaid cards.

That's it for this post on pre-paid cell phones for the elderly. Visit often to get more information on services and cell phones for senior citizens.

Pre-paid Cell Phones for Seniors

Pay-as-you go phones or pre-paid handsets appear to be suited for the needs of senior users. These handsets are meant for occasional users and as cheap alternatives for contract mobile phones.

Pay-as-you go phones or pre-paid handsets may not be advanced as the latest phones that one can purchase on contract, they can be ideal for the situation of elderly consumers. These cheap mobile phones for senior citizens are often easy to use and offer reliable service at a very economical price.

Most seniors do use mobile phones regularly so a contract deal with a monthly charge will not fit their lifestyle or fixed income budget. Pre-paid handset provide flexibility and low rates for seniors.

Nicholas P. Sullivan, a researcher, stated that,
Clearly, the often high cost of post-paid (also known as contract) cell phones is a
major stumbling block for older Americans and the parents of older
children. That means prepaid cell phones are going to be the most logical
way for millions of older Americans to live safer.”

Most of the phones I featured in this blog are pre-paid phones. The Jitterbug J is a good example of a prepaid handset that is ideal for seniors. They are bought at a low full price and service depends on the consumer.

There are plenty of pre-paid carriers that offer cheap solutions for the elderly like, Jitterbug, Net10, Tracfone, Cricket, Consumer Cellular, and others...

A typical prepaid-deal includes the full price, an activation cost and service can be for a fixed price and minutes or via prepaid cards.

That's it for this post on pre-paid cell phones for the elderly. Visit often to get more information on services and cell phones for senior citizens.

Time Machine, come eliminare una cartella da un backup già esistente

A coloro che utilizzano il sistema di backup offerto da Apple, ovvero Time Machine (spero tutti), potrebbe presentarsi un giorno il problema dello spazio. Mi spiego meglio.
Mettiamo il caso che il disco o Time Capsule utilizzato per il backup, debba ospitarne un'altro di un nuovo Mac, lo spazio a disposizione non basta e magari ci si rende conto che la cartella "Download" (per esempio) del backup già esistente occupa svariati Giga e inoltre non è di vitale importanza visto che possiamo salvarne il contenuto manualmente su un ulteriore disco esterno di tanto in tanto.
Come facciamo quindi a eliminare totalmente questa cartella dal backup per renderlo così meno voluminoso e di conseguenza liberare spazio sul disco?

Entriamo in Time Machine, selezioniamo la cartella che vogliamo eliminare da tutti i backup, clicchiamo sulla rotellina presente nella barra degli strumenti e quindi scegliamo "Elimina tutti i backup di "...".

eBuddy pour votre iPhone

eBuddy pour votre iPhone

Si vous êtes un fan de messagerie instantanée, en gardant le contact avec vos iPhone est un must. eBuddy vous permet de vous connecter à des réseaux de messagerie les plus populaires, de sorte que vous pouvez chatter où que vous soyez.
Cette application gratuite est soutenue par des annonces, mais heureusement ils ne sont vraiment pas intrusifs, et vous ne les remarque presque à tous. Comme n'importe quel client de messagerie dont vous avez besoin d'un compte, ce qui signifie tout d'abord créer un compte
eBuddy avant d'ajouter d'autres messagers.

eBuddy soutient de nombreux réseaux - MSN, Yahoo!, AIM, Google Talk, Facebook, ICQ, MySpace et Hyves. les ajouter à la soft est aussi simple que d'entrer vos coordonnées, et vous serez automatiquement connecté po tous vos contacts en compte seront classés par ordre alphabétique, en ligne et des groupes en mode hors connexion. C'est très bien, mais si vous êtes connecté en lots de services il peut faire très occupé!

eBuddy est très conviviale, et vous n'aurez aucun problème pour ouvrir les discussions avec vos amis. Chaque service varie légèrement, mais en général, les chats suivis de la «bulle» de conception vu dans app SMS de l'iPhone. Il fonctionne en mode portrait ou paysage, idéal pour les gens qui aiment le grand clavier.

Compatible avec :
Apple iPad
Apple iPhone
Apple iPhone 3G
Apple iPhone 3GS
Apple iPod touch


EML's weekend in Manchester!

When the Elite Model Look team stepped off the train in Manchester we were overwhelmed...firstly by the scale of the Trafford Centre (absolute retail HEAVEN) and secondly by the incredibly high standard of potential models that applied over the two day casting. Thanks to Samsung Diva’s, Warehouse style inspiration in the Style Studio, Toni & Guy hair excellence and Eylure lashes, we left Manchester with ten fabulous winners who we literally can’t wait to see at the next stage of the contest!
L-R Olivia, J'nae, Amy, Sarah-Jane, Leah. Charlotte, Claire
Lauren and Ashleigh
 If you can picture yourself on the EML catwalk or even just fancy getting your photo taken in the Warehouse Style Studio make sure you come along to one of our stop Southampton! For a full list of casting dates check out our website

Sunday with Freeman

So hard to believe that I started babysitting my sweet little buddy Freeman when he was only 6 weeks old, and now he's almost 2! He can run around and dance and laugh and say things like "Daddy's car" and "I love you Claire!" and "Hi Mama!" Or, most frequently, "More Gaga!" Here he is today watching Lady Gaga's Telephone video on my computer:

He's so delightful, and I love spending my Sundays with my little pal.

Last night, after a languorous day lying about my house, I made a beautiful summer salad (field greens, strawberries, toasted almonds, avocado, pomegranate seeds, light feta cheese, vinaigrette) and took it over to my friend Missy's house, where we sat on her back deck with some white wine and relaxed and chatted for hours. Nothing like girl time after a loooooong week. I'm so grateful for my friends. Speaking of whom, Happy 30th Birthday Tara!

On Friday night, Doro, Anahita, and I went to the Giants game, where we were rewarded for being among the first 20,000 fans into the stadium with these:

Giants snuggies!!! And since my friend Hauna snagged me an Oakland A's snuggie at last week's A's game, I am, as Doro so cleverly puts it, "[my] own Bay Area rivalry." Awesome. Come to my house anytime for some baseball snuggies and beer. There's even a pocket in the front for the remote.

Lastly, what do y'all think of these Prada chandelier shoes? The verdict's still out for me, but I'm leaning toward yesssssss . . .

Happy Sunday everyone . . . I hope it's as gorgeous wherever you are as it is in San Francisco today. ♥

Pauline Van der Cruysse NEW FACE OF THE WEEK

When newly signed Pauline Van der Cruysse made it as new face of the week we couldn’t wait to share with you her effortlessly cool below! Pauline has an edgy, editorial look that’s sure to translate well to the UK market and we are very excited about having this Belgian beauty in London soon.

1m80 (5′11″)
Place of Origin:
Oostende, Belgium
Ethnic Origin:
How discovered:
I was discovered by Tom Van Dorpe while I was shopping in Gent with friends
Favorite things:
Shopping, going to the movies, listening to music, fashion
Favorite music, band:
Rock – Absynthe Minded, Kings of Leon, Arctic Monkeys
Running, reading, travelling, cooking
Favorite piece of clothing:
My leather jacket and my All Stars
What’s your idea of fun?
Spending time with my friends and family
Favorite modeling experience so far?
A shoot for Weekend Knack with real birds
What’s the best thing about your hometown/country?
The sea and, of course, the Belgian chocolate
Favorite artist (any kind):
I don’t really have a favorite artist
Place you would love to visit:
New York
Currently you’re obsessed with/about:
The Secret