Transaction Manager (Part Two)

The challenge with the development of a Mobile Banking transaction manager is to consider the following unique realities of mobile banking:
  • It is likely that the system will have to deal with much more transactions than would be expected from traditional banking systems. Remember that millions and millions of people have mobile phones and they just might want to access their banking at the same time
  • The different systems that mobile banking have to integrate to (Telecommunication Infrastructure, Pre-paid top-up billing systems etc.) are often not as stable (or sometimes as available) as what one would expect from financial systems.
  • The behaviour of cell-phone users reflect an expected immediate feedback. If they do not get a response within a few seconds, they would typically send the request again. The transaction manager must be able to deal with this kind of behaviour, without compromising integrity.
  • Security paradigms that can be implemented on mobile phones are not necessarily compatible with what is required for financial systems and this must be mapped somewhere
In looking at the design considerations for the above, it is clear that a synchronous architecture would probably not be able to deliver on these requirements. A transaction manager that has to keep thousands (if not millions) of transactions open while the transaction is completing would not be able to handle surges in requests, nor will it be easy to tune or scale such a system. The correct architecture (without a doubt) is a message based architecture.

Mobile banking solutions are often deployed without proper consideration for the transaction manager. Often mobile banking is bolted onto the Internet Banking functionality. This works great during pilot and initial production deployment, but starts to fail dramatically when the solution experience massive take-up (subscribers or transactions). Such conditions are then often aggravated when one component in the eco-system starts breaking or suddenly is not available. At that stage it is often too late to change.