Stream your favorite songs online

Here is a new way to stream your favorite music files for times when you’re not using your computer, or you just want to share your favorite songs with friends, then the Avvenu Music Player is for you. The Avvenu Music Player lets you select 250 of your favorite songs to stream over the Internet to whoever you choose. However, the music must be DRM-Free and is only playable online for up to five days. Aveenu is available now, with a revised version coming in a few months that will be compatible with other music library programs. Here’s a screenshot of the player.Avvenu lets you select individual songs or playlists to stream over the Internet. How does it work? The Avvenu system uploads the songs to the Avvenu Media Center, which allows you to access the songs even when the computer is off.

You can sort through your songs by genre, track name, artist name, or your own custom playlists. The best part about Avvenu is that it is free, and is accessible from any Windows or Apple computer, as well as any Windows Mobile 5 Smartphone - however, you need to have iTunes installed for Avvenu to work properly.