Wine & Love!

I'm not one for excessive linkups but this one was too hard to pass up.  I spotted it today on my friend Meredith's blog, Thank You Ma'am (do you read her blog?  If not, you should hop on over there and follow her.  We were paired as swap partners and now her blog is one of my favorites.  She's finishing law school and getting married all in the next four months, and she's a southern girl, too!).  So link up with Nora if you want to play along and tell us what has you reachin' for the wine bottle & what you're loving!

from / I really want a set of the glasses on the right--pretty!

What's Got Me Reachin' for the Bottle:
*The punk kid who said "that's hella gay" in my 2nd period class and then when I reprimanded him, replied "you're hella f---ed up."  Level 3 referral before I'm done with coffee = no good.

*Final exams for seniors next week.  I haven't written my finals.  That's all.

*Needing a job and a roommate by July 1st.  Just a lil too much pressure for this girl.  Ohhhhh Saturn Returns, you're killin' me.  

*My apartment looks like it has been ransacked by burglars (incidentally, "burglar" is one of the funniest words in the English language).

*Jillian Michaels and Level 2 of the 30 Day Shred.  And every time she says "Don't phone it in."

*My mama's turning 50 in a couple weeks and she lives all the way across the country.  Would that I had the time (off) and money to go home to Georgia and celebrate with her!

What I'm Loving:
*Balboa's graduation is May 26th.  The freedom of summer is a'callin.

*Summer, my cousin Jennifer, Micaela, Marianne, and Jessie are all coming to visit in the next month and a half!

*I recently got a necklace in the mail from a Love & Victory giveaway that I won on Cup of Jo!  Can you believe I won a Cup of Jo giveaway??  It's basically impossible!  This is the necklace:

(it's the LOVE one.  Thank you Love & Victory and Joanna!)

*Speaking of giveaways, I am loving Bianca of justbedesigns and the giveaway she is sponsoring on my blog!  If you haven't entered yet, please do so here.  The choices are incredible!

*The show Parenthood.  I'm totally hooked.  Have any of you seen it?

Let me know if you link up so I can check out your post.  In any case, I hope your "loving" list is longer than your "reaching for the wine bottle" list!  Happy almost-Friday. :)