Weekend in Review: Outside!

It's officially hiking season here in northern California!  I swear, it was so gorgeous here this weekend.  And after falling asleep on my couch watching the DVR'd Royal Wedding Friday night, I was itching to be outside on Saturday.  And so . . . my friend Doro came over and we did an incredible hike in the Oakland Redwoods.  Those of you who are coming to visit, this scenery is what you have to look forward to:

taken with iPhone mid-hike

Amazing, right?  And then Sunday, I took my little pal Freeman straight to the beach:

me: "Let's play in the water!"
F: "I can't believe you just woke me up from my nap."

It was definitely warm enough to lay out, but not so much to swim.  F and I put our feet in the water but it was freeeeeezing (as usual in San Francisco).  We still had fun!

Here's hoping this kind of weather continues.  It's good for the soul.

And it *almost* helps me get over the fact that I couldn't be in southern California this weekend for Sammy Lazzaroni's first birthday.  His mama is one of my very best friends and their family is so dear to me!  If I could have one superpower, it would definitely be the Samantha-Stephens-nose-wiggle ability to transport myself anywhere, anytime.  Wouldn't that be amazing?

p.s. Check out Kristen's post today at While We're Waiting.  Made my heart swell.