Jerry! Jerry!

Today's episode of 5th period was outta control!  Sometimes when my kids act like they drank a little crazy in their milk carton, I get crazy right back at 'em (call security, write referrals, raise my voice, etc.)

But today I just sat back and enjoyed the show . . .

(Enter S, a teeny little volatile thing with an ice-breaking attitude).
S:  J, I HEARD you talked to the counselor about me.  You snitch!  You act like a lil ass kid!
J:  Whatever!  F--- you!  I don't give a f--- about you!  (commences singing)
S:  Grow up!  You snitch!  No one likes you!  I don't give an f--- about YOU!  I swear Ms. Kiefer I'm gonna slap him.
J:  Do I look like I care?  Do I look like I care?  Do I look like I care?  Do I look like I care?  Do I--
(Enter V, a girl who suffers from a total lack of a FILTER).
V:  GROW A D--- and THEN talk to us!
J:  I'll go outside and show it to you right now.  (starts undoing his belt). Come on!  Let's go!
V:  ACT LIKE A N----!  ACT LIKE A N----!  ACT LIKE A N----!
J:  You got me f----- up.  F---.

etc, etc.  I just had to take a deep breath and practice calm, positive thinking.

Afterwards, I told them they were all being ridiculous.  And then we went on with our activity about racial profiling.  Winter break, where art thou???