It's time for a Friday I'm in Love post . . .

I'm learning the meaning of the phrase "no rest for the weary" better than ever before.  Between teaching, several babysitting jobs, and a freelance editing gig I took on this week cause, well, I need to make up for all my Christmas spending somehow!  Throw in a visit to the DMV, a couple holiday parties, and staying up till 2 am baking cookies to bring to said parties . . . and you got one exhausted girl.

So what better day to focus on what I'm in love with???

1. My Christmas tree.  
I already showed you pictures.  I can't get enough of it.  All I want to do is sit on my couch and gaze at it.  It's made me happier than anything this month.

2.  Calories.
Also can't get enough.  Christmas cookies, egg nog, dinners out with friends.  I really gotta get this in check . . . but that's not gonna happen till after the holidays.  Cause look at the cookies I invented and baked last night!!!  Seriously SO GOOD.  They're chocolate chocolate cookies with crushed Andes mint cookies and topped with little bits of candy cane.  Amazing, right??

3. The fact that Snooki is going be inside the ball that drops in Times Square on NYE.

Read about it here.

3.  This jacket

Heehee just kidding.  But would you believe that atrocity costs $700??  

Happy Friday!  I'm off to a work holiday party . . . I may not have an ugly Christmas sweater, but I have delish cookies and an enviable gift exchange present!