Happy as a Clam!

Last night, after my cuckoo's nest 5th period, I met my beloved friend Brady for dinner.  We went to a local, family-owned Italian place that just soothes my soul with their eggplant penne & Monte Antico red wine.  Brady and I had a long catch-up session that included some good laughs, which is doubtlessly the best antidote to a wack-o day at work.

After a delightful dinner, Brady and I went to another one of my favorite spots, Miam Miam (which I discovered thanks to my beautiful friend Diana!), for some very stylish frozen yogurt (click the link and you'll see what I mean).  Perhaps it was because the evening had been so perfect that I felt compelled to make a spontaneous stop at a Christmas tree lot on my way home.

I'd pretty much decided not to get a tree, because I go home to Georgia on the 19th and my family has trees there.  But something took over me as I passed by all the festive green trees, and I made a sharp turn and found myself parked in the lot!  Not only was there a perfect, medium sized tree waiting for me, ready to be taken home, but I ran into my friend Sarah at the lot!

After a quick stop at the drug store for lights and egg nog, I came home, dragged the tree off the top of my car and up my apartment stairs, and did this:

peep the ornies from Micaela, Faiza, and Lauren!

my living room is a bazillion times happier now


I sat on my couch until 2 in the morning writing Christmas cards, drinking (spiked) egg nog, and tree-gazing.  Anyone wanna come over and bask in its warm glow with me??  

All right, gotta hammer through my work day so I can go home and be with my Christmas tree. :)