
Do any of you have a friend who is just so good they're almost too good to be true?  Like, they never bitch about anything really, they're nice to and about everyone, they don't get drunk and chip their teeth, and you trust them implicitly?  Such is Diana, one of my best friends, and whom I've talked about many times cause she is one of the Cobras.  She's the most loyal person in the world, she loves me despite my (many) faults, and she doesn't really have any of her own.  Ha.  I'd say she was intimidating if she wasn't the sweetest person ever.  She kind of reminds me of Faiza.  

When Ali can't come to our poetry soirees and it's just Diana and me, we tend to go to fun places out on the town and discuss our poems from the week prior (as well as assignments for the next week).

I am here to tell you that if you live in the San Francisco Bay Area and you have not been to Bittersweet, get off the computer right now and hightail it there!  Diana first introduced me to it years ago, and let's just say that it changed my experience of hot chocolate.  As in, since that fateful day back in 2005 (I think), I haven't been able to enjoy a hot chocolate anywhere else.

Check this:

Diana's hot (milk) chocolate, homemade vanilla marshmallows, my soy salted caramel hot chocolate

I was nervous to branch out and order something different (I usually get the regular hot chocolate), but the salted caramel was the best I've ever had.  It's pretty crazy how good this place is.  They even have a hot dark chocolate that I think is even vegan!  Just straight up liquid chocolate.  Amazing (if you're into dark chocolate).  The only problem with Bittersweet is that they close at 7 pm, which is kind of unacceptable according to my night-owl self.  Oh, and there's one other problem: I've totally become a hot chocolate elitist and now I don't think it tastes very good from anywhere else.

A fine price to pay, in my book. I mean look at this--

close up of the best hot chocolate in the world