Scary morning

It started with a text from my sister (who lives in Georgia) at 7:41 am that said:

"Don't go anywhere near the Bay Bridge this morning--man with explosives!"

By pure fortune, or God's will/cosmic plan, we're off school today for Veteran's Day, so it was the one weekday I didn't have to cross the Bay Bridge in the morning.

Apparently, there was a "mentally unstable" man in an SUV threatening to either jump off the bridge or detonate explosives.  The standoff went on for two hours, and the upper deck of the bridge was, of course, closed down (which probably meant that like 50% of San Francisco employees were extremely late to work today).

He didn't have explosives, but he did have a gun (which he threw over the side of the bridge into the bay).  Check out this crazy article.  Thankfully everyone's okay.