Eric: Yes, of course I can, I'm not a..what's the'm not a sabatoger.
Claire: I don't think thats a word.
Eric: Whatever.
Claire said her greatest fear is seizures. She has a phobia because she saw a kid have one when she was 9. It's hard to get over.
"Pour me some red wine, Claire, if I'm going to write, I need some liquid from the gods."
(we just argued for 10 minutes b/c she thinks i have to write my name at the end of this. and she wants to read it as i'm doing this.. i said hey, just relax, let me do this . . . don't try and own it . . . don't need info right now, you are compromising the integrity of the post. if you know the flow of this, it will affect the post . . . in my opinion. Come on now, you don't mess with a bratty cocky spoiled delusional fed artist."
This post sucks. I hate this post. Writing is shameless and cocky and self indulgent. Oh look at me and my fancy fun words and charisma and chill jokes that I try to make come off casual but I really care about them.
Readers: Claire, your guest is negative, he's lame, he sucks.
Other readers: Yeah, F that guy, he's lame.
Does anybody ever look at a flower. Like really look at one.
They are SO beautiful.
Favorite shows: Eastbound and Down, Breaking Bad.
Other shows i happen to watch: Mad Men, Friday Night Lights, the Office, Family Guy, soft core porn.
Who else is excited about the holidays and fall being here? I am. I am an uncle. I'm the fun uncle and my sister's baby is a gift from the gods. A precious baby angel that is beyond words. Having children or caring for them, or knowing them, is very good for adults. IMO.
You are all great. Claire is really a great person. If you need anything i can help you. Email Claire with your problem, and i will fix it.
Toodles and kisses and hugs and love!!