Don't be a Bad Parker. Just Don't.

The only time in my life that I don't parallel park is when I go to grocery stores. Otherwise, city living means parallel parking every day, every where you go. I parallel park outside my house, at work, at the coffee shop . . . everywhere.

City dwellers (should) have a collective understanding about parking:

TAKE UP ONE SPACE! If you are parking on a curb that's big enough for two spaces, and you don't know if another car will be able to fit, get back in your car and drive forward or reverse until you are at the front or back of the curb. Another car can fit.

One of these very 2-car-length curbs exists right in front of my apartment. It's prime parking real estate for residents of my building, obvs. The other day, when I came home and some jackass was parked right smack in the middle of it, I had to leave this little note on his/her windshield, courtesy of my stepmom via my Christmas stocking last year:

The picture quality is terrible because I was in my car and all I had with me was my iPhone and I was mad as a hornet! But man, is it convenient to have a pad of fake parking tickets in your glove box. One of the "offenses" you can check is "Owning a Hummer." HA!

What are your pet peeves?