*If* I get my job back, guess when the first day of school is? August 16th, aka my birthday. WACK,right?? Forget about my dreams of having a slow brunch at La Note and finally ordering the nutella French toast that I always covet but never have the guts to order. More like waking up at the crack of dawn and running around from classroom to classroom greeting this year's new little monsters.
(Though I gotta admit, it will all be worth it if I get to keep my job).
In any case, onto the good news! The weekend before my first-day-of-school-29th-birthday is San Francisco's annual Outside Lands music fest in Golden Gate Park, which includes three of my very favorite things:



Now I just gotta talk Lane into flying out to San Francisco that weekend to flit around in the sunshine with plastic cups of sauvignon blanc and the likes of Cat Power, Damian Marley, Kings of Leon, Amos Lee, Chromeo, Rebirth Brass Band, etc. etc. serenading us (though we'll be skipping the $395 VIP tickets . . . ).
Happy weekend!