I'm on a plane! Oh how I (sometimes) love the modern world. Wifi on a plane makes the flight go by SO much faster, and I'm less likely to get fidgety and stir-crazy and start doing weird stretches in the aisles.

However, wifi doesn't solve my hunger problem: I bought a tomato & mozzerella sandwich at the airport before I got on the plane, but when I opened it, I tragically discovered that it had mayonnaise on it so I threw it right into the trash before I got contaminated. I hate to waste food, but I hate to touch mayonnaise even more. GROSS ME OUT. I shudder even thinking about the incident.

Pretty excited about heading from this state:

to this state:

Peaches are most definitely on my "Food LOVES" list. As opposed to mayonnaise, which accompanies meat and mushrooms on my "Food HATES" list. What's on yours?