about mistakes.
It's so easy to make decisions based on what's important in the moment without thinking about how your actions will affect others (and yourself) down the road. Part of being a whimsical, romantic, fly-by-the-seat-of-your-pants, intense, emotional, impulsive, passionate person who feels so much is making reckless mistakes, sometimes time & time again. I've been thinking a lot about convergences, and when a certain number of events happen at once, I can't help but think it's a sign, that there's a lesson to be learned.
In the past week:
1. I've spent many hours with four women who've made such bad mistakes that they've spent years in prison, away from their families and their own children (one of whom gave birth while incarcerated--while shackled to her surgical bed--and had to leave her baby at the hospital and return, alone, to prison). I'm certain these mistakes will haunt these women forever.
2. I've made a reckless mistake, and while it isn't anything that will send me to prison or affect my family . . . isn't guilt just the worst feeling in the world?
3. My dear friend is hurting, so badly, because of what many would call a "mistake." I'm so sad for her right now, and I wish I could take away her pain. Oh, how regret eats away at us so relentlessly.
What's the secret to always being the best possible person we can be? To not making mistakes that hurt us and other people?