Mum's the Word

You know that expression originated with Shakespeare? I guess that's not actually even remotely surprising. It's supposed to refer to the sound that comes out when you try to speak with closed lips (mmmmmm). I hate to admit it, but I kind of love etymology.

So why mum's the word? Cause I saw Sex and the City 2 last night. Oh my goodness gracious alive, it was good! I won't say anything revealing . . . just that not even the nightgowns disappoint. Be ready for some serious glamour. Especially the gold glitter Louboutins in the opening scene (my heart dropped a little when I saw them). Without spoiling anything, here are some things you can look forward to:

*some magnificent gowns, shoes, accessories, and nightgowns (seriously, the nightgowns: whoa!)
*a few amazing and hilarious cameos
*some hottttttness
*SJP's stunning, wavy, slightly darker hair
*2.5 hours of Carrie & co!

Here's the camp ground outside the theater for those of us with advance screening tickets (even with ticket in hand, I got there an hour and a half early):

I went with five girlfriends and we had such a great time . . . anticipating it, quivering with excitement at the opening credits, gasping in awe throughout the movie, and squealing happily afterwards. Get ready, girls! You're in for some fun.