Prom Pics

Prom night was decidedly just as much of a blast for the teacher "chaperones" as it was for the kiddos. But before I get into the night's shenanigans, check out this little gem I found:

me & my high school boyfriend at junior prom 1998!

Amazing, right? Oh, the simple days. Of being 16 and having a boyfriend who lived in a week-by-week motel and had a baby with his ex-girlfriend, who turned out to be a professional escort. (All of that is true).

Fast-forward 12 years to last night's prom at San Francisco City Hall. Gorgeous! My peeps and I gathered at Monica and Mike's for pre-prom pizza and cocktails before cabbing it down to City Hall to join the festivities. Here are some pics--please excuse the dark grainy-ness of the iphone photos:

the venue

my favorite prom shot!

me with my sweet, handsome student JD

the M twinnies looking lovely

my 5th period student LG and his lady B

me with G & D--I love these two!

Gaela with her little bff, SM

I couldn't have been happier to see JH and JD come to prom together!

at a bar after prom--note the dollar bill in Cheryl's dress

We had so much fun (maybe a little too much fun), and I am sure as hell paying for it today. I've spent most of this gorgeous, sunny Sunday fighting my massive hangover in bed and/or on my couch (with a small break to get veggie Chinese and ice cream with Meagan). So much for my plans to go to the farmers' market and hike! Sometimes you just gotta surrender to the slumber.

In other news: the biggest thank you I can shout to Erika at Cafe Fashionista for hosting the most amazing giveaway ever! Guess what I won? A freaking awesome new flat iron. I couldn't be more psyched. Go check out Erika's fantastic blog for all kinds of fashion and humor and girly goodness. I love it!