Although I don't have too much luck with the grown boys these days (ugh), I sure am the luckiest girl in the world when it comes to baby boys! One of my favorite toddlers, Hurricane Milo, is officially a big brother! Jude Bradley Freitag was born Wednesday at 7:50 pm, a perfect little 8 lb. 19 inch ball of cuteness:

baby Jude, not even 24 hours old yet :)

baby Jude and auntie Claire
He's lookin' just like Milo, so we'll see if he ends up with Milo's . . . "energy." haha. I'm so happy for all the Freitags--they're one of my favorite families in the world. Welcome, Jude!
Today started slow, and then sped up real quick when it came time for 5th period. Ay yay yay, the dreaded 1 o'clock in room 102. Seriously, the security guards at Balboa know to be on alert & nearby my classroom. In today's episode of "Monster High," I had to kick two of the little beasts out after they refused to cease with their 'yo mama' battle. I mean, hello 1992!! One of whom subsequently stormed out of the class screaming at me: "F@!% this weak a$$ class anyway! GET A MAN!"
HA! ZT, of "Toby" fame, told me to "get a man" . . . which although frustrating at the time, is admittedly freaking hilarious. In fact I'm kind of smirking thinking about it now.
Okay so in order to get me in a better mood before my girly dinner-and-a-movie date with Annie (ohhhhhh how I wish it was dinner-and-a-movie-and-cocktails . . . Lent, hurry up and be over already!!), I'm gonna post some Friday favorites:
Favorite Shoes:

the Dior Chacha
Favorite Photographer: