I-Play Brings ‘Blend the Boss’ to iPhone and iPod Touch

Blend the Boss

I-play have announced the launch of Blend the Boss for iPhone and iPod touch. Based on the hilariously crude Internet sensation from JOE CARTOON-which has been played more than 600,000 times-the game allows players to have the thrill of turning the company top dog into a corporate smoothie. Taking the online game one step further, players can now import pictures of their boss for the most realistic leader liquefying ever. Additionally, this game features original artwork by Joe Shields, creator of JOE CARTOON.

Blend the Boss is a spin-off of Frog in a Blender, the most successful viral campaign in history, which still has a cult following on the Web with millions of views on YouTube, Facebook and MySpace. The brand-new Blend the Boss taps the same crude humor and tongue-in-cheek comedy that made the cartoons a viral phenomenon, offering high replay value and an easy-to-pick-up format perfect for short game sessions. The game features the familiar and successful duck hunt gameplay mechanic with fun new twists. In the game, players tap the screen to shoot and attempt to land a duck on the seesaw in order to launch the head honcho into the blender. If the boss is teetering on the edge, they can use the iPhone’s accelerometer to tip him into supervisor slush.

If mincing the boss hasn’t satisfied the player’s appetite for revenge, they can also take out their frustration on annoying coworkers, loud neighbors or favorite celebrities by importing their pictures and blending away. Those who excel at professional purees can achieve all 10 awards for office bragging rights.

Blend the Boss is now available at the Apple (NSDQ: AAPL) App Store for $0.99 / £0.59.