This makes me believe that the common wisdom that the phone will ultimately morph into everything. (Phone, GPS, Camera, Productivity, Multi-Media and Wallet), is not unnecessarily true. It may be possible to produce such a device, but the possibility exists that devices with a specific focus (this is a camera that you can phone on too, or this is a multi-media tool that you can also send e-mails on) will become more popular. If this is the case, I was wondering what a device would look like that has been designed first and foremost to be a mobile payment device and then a phone, etc. This is my take on some of the things that you would probably find on such a device:
- It would be branded in such a way to emphasise money.
- It would come standard with integrated and advanced proximity (NFC) technology
- The display would be geared towards statements (rather than multi-media)
- Advanced security components would be built into the firmware (maybe even some biometric capabilities)
- A portion of the device would be thin enough, so that it can be used at ATM's or POS's. In other words, the device can be swiped or something like that.