Exclusive search tools for rapidshare files

Rapidshare has a huge database of music files, videos files, softwares, ebooks and all other kinds of stuff. One can only term Rapidshare as a goldmine of files. The main reason behind its popularity is that the contents on rapidshare are shared by the people for the people.

The site however has couple of downside too. a.) Rapidshare imposes a download and time limit on non premium users of their service. Downloading from Rapidshare is only possible with one connection at a time and Rapidshare limits the size of the files that you download to 30 megabytes every hour. However there are multiple methods to hack this restriction, refer my previous posts here, here and here. b.) A search option within Rapidshare is missing, so how does one search contents in Rapidshare.

Well here are few options that comes handy. Simple method to search in Rapidshare.

1. FILEZ : Gives a very basis search option to look for files within Rapidshare, its simple and precise. A seach plugin is also available.

2. Rapidshare-Search-Engine : Offers a web and database search for files hosted on Rapidshare. This site also provides additional functions like a
Rapidshare link checker for instance and offers keyword email updates.

3. Filecrop : This is more of a basic search. You can limit the file size of the files that are displayed in the search results. Users can also report broken links.

4. Rapid Library : This service also provides a tagging service. Each search result displays tags as well which means that you can explore additional files this way as well. Also recent tags are also displayed on the main page of the site.

Friends, do try these out and if you have more free tools or reference URLs please add them in your comments below.