This is by far the most complex and often overlooked component of mobile banking. If one were to analyse the fundamentals of mobile banking, one will get to the conclusion that good mobile banking design is about the management of transactions originating on a phone and terminating on a bank account - and many similar types of transactions. A well-designed mobile banking system caters for the support of many different transaction flows. In addition proper consideration should be given for error conditions or when external sources are not available.
A transaction manager should cater for transactions to and from the following subsystems:
- The transaction manager must be able to accept and send messages to the Mobile Channel. This should preferably be done in such a way that it can be done independently from the actual handset solution that has been deployed. Communication to this channel is very time sensitive, because a human would ultimately be receiving these messages. As such time-dependent actions should be configurable.
- Applications that are often integrated into mobile banking offerings (called Third Party Applications) must also be integrated. Typical systems that the transaction manager must be able to talk to are bill payment, pre-paid airtime, COD systems and more.
- Transaction Clearing is a often overlooked outcome of a mobile payment transaction. a well-designed transaction manager must be able to integrate to and support transactions to and from systems like Money Remittance systems, Central Clearing systems etc.
- A mobile banking transaction will ultimately lead to a debit and credit transaction on some account, purse or card. The transactions to and from these Value Stores can be quite complex.
- Many different security techniques can potentially be supported. This could be PIN-based, or User-ID and password. It could utilise CLI or certificates. The transaction manager must be able to route transactions to the correct source to verify security and adhere to requirements that may be applicable.
- The switch must record transactions in such a way that it is fully auditable and that it can be proved that the operation is fully in compliance with regulations. A well-designed switch will cater for this too.
In the next blog, I will discuss characteristics and special conditions that a well designed transaction manager must cater for. I will also discuss critical conditions that the system will have to cater for and typical solutions to this.