An official political Vlog launched by Google's YouTube

Lately YouTube has been working very hard to release a political video blog, which they did last week and was called the "Citizntube" This new blog is being edited by Steve Grove, YouTube’s Citizentube/YouTube News & Politics Editor, the channel appears intended to aggregate select political videos already appearing on the rest of the site.

As per Steve Citizentube's mission is to add fuel to the revolution that is YouTube politics. YouTube's concept was very loud and clear, it wanted to bring a platform where everyone, from users to candidates, has the same chance to be seen and heard and let the best ideas win. Already we've seen players from all over the political spectrum using YouTube in powerful ways.

A bone marrow drive broadcast on YouTube brought 1,000 donors to help a stranger. A video series on Iraq has begun to bring a human face to the war. And a message from an American politician in Spanish reached across cultural barriers through YouTube.