Two surveys conducted by well-known research firms indicated that Britians would want to use mobile banking, if it were available.
The first survey conducted by Forrester Research on behalf of Meridea, surveyed existing online banking users aged between 16 and 34. Some of the interesting findings in this research indicate that more than half of the survey sample would try such a service. Even more interesting is that almst a quarter of the surveyed sample would consider SWITCHING their bank if it did not provide mobile banking! ( )
The second survey conducted by the Henley Centre on behalf of BT on a sample of respondents aged between 25 and 44, had similar results. The survey found that more than a third of the respondents would like to conduct their banking by means of mobile phones. The study also indicate the types of transactions that consumers would like to conduct by making use of their mobile phones. ( ).
These two studies indicate the growing consumer demand for mobile banking services. In both of the reports conclusions indicate that banks must expect this demand to grow into the next year.